Thursday, January 21, 2010

history is written by the victors, let's get to work

Nothing much going on these few days...seriously to go out would be like oxygen to me, cuz I'm dying in my house. Well at least I've kept myself preoccupied with swimming(1+hr everyday) and some light reading(newsweek IS light read), but really how long can one spend on those two activities? Can't touch the xbox or wii cuz my hand's aching, for I wanna preserve it till JC(maybe for the rest of my life?XD) So you put all those factors into the equation, and you'll get a lost soul roaming around the house scouring for anything engaging to do.

My life is further exacerbated by this jaw-dropping analysis:
LONDON — Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods – even if you also exercise regularly – could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place – at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV – just the overall number of hours it occurs.

Research is preliminary, but several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.

Elah! What an irony it is to be sitting and reading this eh?

C'mon JC plzzzz...can't wait anymore. Doesn't matter if I end up regretting starting school,especially with all that immense stress. Just allow me to DO SOMETHING! Solitary confinement ain't exactly the best way to nuture a teen right?

That is all, people. I have no qualms about my short post cuz really, what else is there to say? Cheeros

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Decisions can cause incisions...on you

Before you guys start implying that I'm all frustrated about the choices of pre-u education, I would like to repudiate that 'fact'. Actually I'm rather confident about my choices, 'cause boy do the prospects look good for me. Yet you may be wondering why 'rather' and not 'wholly', 'totally' or 'hook line and sinker'. Well there is this slight possibility of actually NOT entering the JC of your choice.(1st choice, that is), so I don't want my confidence level to transcend that of now, else the backlash will be devastating. (Geez sounds like GP)

Yup I'm definitely looking forward to the JC experience. Sure it can be very gruelling, with the immense amount of workload and the pressure to 'ace the As'. But hey, there will still be enjoyable activities to do, new social circles to be made(old ones to be preserved), though not as radical of a change as compared to the poly experience. Neither too studious nor carefree, it's rather ideal to me.

Reading up a hell lot on current affairs(and history) plus a bit of economics(demand and supply baby) and bits of unexplored content from our secondary school syllabus(does 'transcription and translocation' ring any bells?). Nerdy as this may sound, I'm just being pragmatic, for the idea of getting a head start is fulfilling. Anyway today wasn't that productive, cuz wei guang, clement and me spammed 5hrs of halo 3, battling one another and finally taking the battle to the USA players. Won 2 out of 6 games(not bad, especially for wg and clem who had their first taste of xbox online gaming). Fun, just plain fun.

Alright cheers! Oh and have a very gratifying 2 weeks!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Arghh...Where was I when this blog needed revitalisation?

Ok 1 month has almost passed since my last post...sorry was overwhelmed with loads of stuff...kinda ironic for a guy who complains about doing nothing.

Well I've been rather busy with 2 batman-related things: The comic and the game. For my 'art', you could say I'm making good progress after weeks of digress. The xbox 360 game is real entertainment, caleed batman: Arkham Asylum. Geez, with so much obsession with the cape crusader one would think I'm worshipping him, but no, I'm no crazy man, no Joker. Still have remnants of sanity in me. XD

Damn have been reading up alot, whether it's the news or newsweek...ok not much difference there. But I'm not doing it for the sake of excelling in GP, no that's secondary. I just enjoy gaining deep insights about current affairs, examining different perspectives or even different sides to the story. Plus my idol Prez Obama always appears in any newsweek, so yah that's captivating enough.

Class chalet tomorrow! Phew at least not at my house! XD Seriously I know you guys probably had loads of fun but I admit I got rather worked up before you guys even came into close proximity of my condo! Well I hope the success rate for tomorrow would transcend that of the class gathering at my condo.

Argh results day...why couldn't they just give the results via the net? So much more convenient, plus it elimintates the anxiety factor. I mean, anxiety is like a virulent disease, once someone caught it, you can forget about any remedy. Then as they slowly announce the names of the 'elite' cohort, your confidence too begans to plumment as the remain immobile for your name never appears...horrifying, intimidating...just plain scary.

Alright now I'll end the post on the lighter side. I'm still here. You, the reader, are still here. the year is 2010. Go make the best out of the new decade.
