Friday, November 27, 2009

The advent of 'my space'

Hi people this is my second time starting up a blog, so I've gained much experience myself. Rule of thumb: If you can't commit, don't. That was what happened for my previous blog, so it was scrapped, destroyed, decimated...whatever you wanna call it. Let this be a refreshing start alright?

Speaking of commitment I'm currently working on a comic, which definitely needs long-term resolution to complete. Here's the laydown:
A sequel to 'the dark knight', it will be my version of what happens to Batman, the Joker, the police force and our dear city Gotham. Try to catch the movie to fully understand and appreciate my 'artwork' as you'd be utterly confused at the end. Still on the first chapter, but I shall speed up no worries. Preview of chapters:
1)Safe Haven
2)Friend or Foe?
3)Intensive care
4)Man of my word
5)Early release

Rest coming, rest assured!

Anyway had an enjoyable time. Went out and taught my sis chemistry! That would be my work because I'm going off on a holiday soon, so the agency cannot find a very temporary job for me. Anyway re-visiting the good ol' content can be fun. Later went out to Kbox with both my sis and mum, sang like hell! But again, many songs, little time(I still prefer the one at SAFRA more modern and comfortable)

Me, gladwin, Liang yueh and our HK friend Shing Hei had some quality time with four rackets and a shuttlecock. Being exhausted, I still did not see how I managed a game of basketball after 1hr 40mins of non-stop swatting. XD Still I had a great time though, thanks for the outing guys!

Life after the O's can be boring, but if you have a purpose and desire an outcome everyday, trust me, life can be fulfilling. I've learned it the hard way, having spent the 1st week totally in disarray.

Alright I wanna go for class outing! Will keep in touch with fellow classmates that way!

GG saw this while researching on the funnyman.

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